Family Constellations are a therapeutic approach that helps us to better understand relationships within families.
This method helps to identify the unconscious dynamics that have their root in the family system and cause discomfort and conflict in other life areas: personal relationships, family, health, sex, money, etc. Once you are conscious of them, you can chose to improve the present and move forward in your life.
“Children rarely if ever dare to live a happier or more fulfilling life than their parents. Unconsciously, they remain loyal to unspoken family traditions that work invisibly. Family Constellations are a way to discover these underlying ties that have been carried unconsciously over several generations”. Bertold Ulsamer.
The benefit of attending a Family Constellation is not just for the person who constellates and their family system, but also for its participants.
The next session of Family Constellations will take place in English the following Wednesday:
October: October 23rd, 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Cost: €60 for those bringing their cases and €25 for those taking part.
Location: Vivir Mejor es Posible- Carrer Joncar, 19, 3-1, 08005 Barcelona
Maat Laam is a Family Constellator with multidisciplinary training in the energetic and emotional field. In addition to being a Family Constellator, she is also a Gestalt Therapist and has training in the wisdom of native peoples.
Maat Laam is a woman of great wisdom who guides us in a process of understanding the unconscious forces in our family and its implications in daily life.
In case you need more information you contact me here